
Showing posts from October, 2020

Topics this blog will cover

Java is one of the most used programming language and so many organizations prefer to use the java for the development. There are so many concepts that they check while hiring a candidate  We will discuss about them in this blog one by one , we wont go in much deep but we will cover it from the interview point of view. Below are first five topics that we will cover with the types of the questions asked from these and answers of them. I will probably add the program from the eclipse too. 1. Class Loading and Class Loaders 2.What is encapsulation  3. What is abstraction  4. What is inheritence  5. What is Polymorphism In the next post I will try to cover the first topic that is Class loading and the class loaders. As for the working professionals it becomes too difficult to remember the theory and hence one can visit this blog for the interview related learning so that within less time one can get prepared for the interview by revising the concepts.